Pavel Durov, the renowned founder of Telegram, made a groundbreaking announcement on Monday that sent shockwaves through the tech world. Durov revealed that Telegram, the popular messaging application, has finally reached the long-awaited milestone of profitability. This news comes as a massive victory for the company, especially after years of speculation and doubt surrounding its financial viability.
According to Durov, Telegram has seen a surge in revenue over the past year, with aggregate earnings surpassing an impressive $1 billion in 2024. The app has also seen a significant increase in paid subscribers, with a staggering 12 million users opting for premium subscription services since its introduction in 2022. These figures reflect a growing user base and a strong demand for Telegram’s services.
Furthermore, Durov disclosed that the company is on track to end the year with over $500 million in financial reserves, excluding its valuable crypto assets. This healthy financial position demonstrates Telegram’s stability and ability to weather economic uncertainties and market fluctuations.
In a bold and unprecedented move, Durov also revealed that Telegram has made significant strides in reducing its debt burden. Over the past four years, the company had issued approximately $2 billion in debt bonds to fund its operations and expansion. However, taking advantage of favorable market conditions, Telegram repaid a substantial portion of this debt this autumn, signaling its commitment to financial responsibility and long-term sustainability.
Despite these positive developments, Durov emphasized that there is still much work to be done to ensure Telegram’s continued success. In a candid post on X, Durov highlighted the company’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its position in the market, enhance user experience, and expand its range of services and features.
Looking ahead, Durov expressed his vision for Telegram’s future, including plans to take the company public and achieve profitability by 2025. These ambitious goals underscore Durov’s commitment to building a robust and sustainable business that can thrive in the ever-evolving technology landscape.
In recent years, Telegram has introduced several innovative features aimed at enhancing its appeal to users and businesses alike. These include a revenue-sharing program for ads, a paid content model for creators, and a micro app store that offers a diverse range of services and experiences. With over 950 million monthly active users, Telegram has established itself as a key player in the messaging and communication space, with a strong foothold in the global market.
In conclusion, Pavel Durov’s announcement of Telegram’s profitability marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey. With strong financial performance, a growing user base, and a commitment to innovation and growth, Telegram is poised for even greater success in the years to come. As Durov and his team continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the tech industry, the future looks brighter than ever for Telegram and its loyal community of users.